In 2011, Vietnam's total international trade, including both exports and imports, was valued at approximately $200 billion.
Total sales including imports and large trucks fell 5 percent, to 472,078.
The rest, including imports of oil, display no seasonal patterns.
Instead, it plans to invest in other sources, including imports of liquefied natural gas from Africa.
A. This year the beer industry, including imports, will probably see volumes decline by about 1 percent.
May car sales, including domestics and imports, were 885,279, down 8.6 percent from last May's 968,897.
Toyota said its total vehicle sales, including imports, were up 25 percent in mid-June.
Last year, the 31 multinational computer companies here had revenues including imports of $1.5 billion.
A wide variety of bottled beers, including German imports, is also available.
The figures are based on industry sales estimates, including imports.