Congressional oversight, including hearings, may be needed if the legal process fails to provide answers about the fundamental integrity of public officials.
The commission was also charged with information gathering through a variety of sources including public hearings.
Ordinarily, the counsel would issue a report after the committee completes all of its work, including hearings.
A full environmental-impact statement, including public hearings, may be necessary, he said.
If the theorists are on such solid ground, what is the problem with a thorough public discussion of the issue, including formal hearings?
The proposed changes face a battery of tests, including public hearings, environmental review and a City Council vote.
Many neighborhood leaders say they want a more open process, perhaps including public hearings.
They cited a 2003 environmental law that required public participation, including hearings, in deciding such major projects.
It also called for public participation, including hearings, as part of the review, though it did not detail specific guidelines.
In any event event, he said, the project still had to undergo an extensive public review, including hearings, before a final decision was made.