Other distinctive features, including hair, clothing and voice may need to be taken into account.
Never try to touch their food and don't tempt them with dangling objects, including long hair.
Clark is known for using a variety of materials including human hair and combs to address race, culture, class, and history.
One has to make sure that the water reaches all parts of the body, including hair and the skin under it.
At home, Maggie makes a baby book including her toenails and hair.
This relationship shows in a variety of anatomical features, possibly including whiskers and hair.
I get to shake the dirt out of everything, including my face and hair.
Players can have a great deal of control over their physical appearance including hair, gender, facial features, clothing and tattoos.
Some have very distinctive physical characteristics, including blonde hair and blue eyes.
He perfectly reproduced the entire body including hair and skintone.