It still contains remnants of its original military equipment, including disappearing guns.
In about half of all apprehensions, weapons are recovered, including knives and guns, he added.
Everyone, including Mouse, guns his engine and prepares to move.
Some of his nicknames including thunder, maccabees, and double guns.
Carrying weapons, including guns and knives, in public is not allowed.
Before going in, players are allowed to select their equipment, including guns, various types of grenades, and body armor.
A great range of goods was produced in the state's factories, including tanks, airplanes, guns, and communications equipment.
But Young knew there was a time and a place for everything, including guns.
The Army will supply various pieces of equipment, including guns for the kids' marksmanship training.
But the difference is strong: A recent survey found that about 60% to 80% of boys play with aggressive toys at home, including guns.