Total annual economic impact was estimated at $100 million, including payrolls, contracts, goods and services.
She started more businesses while in college, including desktop publishing and selling goods at street fairs.
They have found extensive artifacts, including European goods, which indicate likely interaction with the English in the early 17th century.
Therefore, a wide variety of products can often be found on auction sites such as eBay, including second-hand goods.
Emhart makes products including industrial goods, padlocks and golf clubs.
In April 2005, she sent several food items, including baked goods and candy, to the fourteen officials.
Most everything is made on the premises, including the chutneys and most baked goods.
Since the 1880s, Chicago has also been home to leading firms in other areas of the food processing industry, including cereals, baked goods, and candy.
It offers a wide range of other products, including electronic goods, books and financial services.
Perceptions of quality influence the demand for virtually every good, including even basic goods like food.