Minor damage was reported during this earthquake, including fallen light objects, a damaged ventilation pipe and fractures in plaster.
He flailed about violently before the procedure was stopped, and he suffered some serious injuries, including fractures of the acetabula.
Both men now face a number of risks common to all hip procedures, including infections or fractures.
Seven men and women were seriously injured, including fractures, broken ribs and pelvises.
One tenth of all Thoroughbreds suffer orthopedic problems, including fractures.
Such patients may still have been found to have significant problems, including fractures, dislocations, and lacerations requiring suturing.
The dropping land surface causes operational problems, including fractures of well casings, and sometimes complete well failures.
Previous injuries including fractures of the wrist.
Police had been called around to their Mount Wellington home because of the abuse, and had noted injuries including fractures.
Progress was slow, with difficult conditions including fractures in the rock bringing water from snow melt into the tunnel.