Assyrian Voice is a world wide community for Assyrians online, offering different services including chat, forums, music, news, and more.
The two share many of the same structures, including separate forums for separate topics, as well as similar audiences.
The group also disseminates information on traditional Taoist topics, including forums and conferences.
He's given a series of talks at various institutions, including Harvard University, the World Bank, and other international forums.
The site has a number of other sections, including forums, and wikis.
Some traders use community based tools including forums and chat rooms.
They have since seen use in more mainstream venues, including online gaming, instant-messaging, and other non-anime related forums.
The core of are the watch forums, including general and brand-specific forums.
But domestic critics say the space for them to express contrarian views, including online forums and Web sites, has shrunk.
The Commission consults civil society in a variety of ways, including consultation papers, communications, advisory committees, expert groups, workshops and forums.