Investigate the inventory of other assets for sale - including office furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
Slade Architecture led the design including the exterior, interior, fixtures, and furnishings.
In the interest of historical preservation, the home is maintained as it was including the furniture and fixtures.
The total cost of the building, including internal decoration, fixtures and fittings, was around £45,000.
The shop has two floors, intermingling pieces from the 17th to the 20th century, including light fixtures.
Besides windows, the company also designed other glass products, including light fixtures that had a horizontal Prairie School design influence.
More original furnishings, including fixtures for gas lamps, are up the disappearing staircase in the attic.
Much of the building material, including fixtures and fittings was imported from Europe.
The station has gone through extensive renovation including new fixtures and improved accessibility.
It was won 3-1 by the home side, who also arranged a number of games with other Associations including regular fixtures against Glasgow.