They are, in turn, preyed upon by a number of species, including birds, fish, and other frogs.
However, other animals are also used, including rabbits and fish.
The research also reveals, however, that 423 rare species, including plants, insects and fish, have not been recorded in the last 23 years.
Most animals, including fish, look for a mate which resembles their parents.
The menu is extensive, including steaks, fish and some pretty good pizzas.
The tribes are encouraged to forge off the land for food, including fruits, wild animals, and fish.
About $40 for two including fish and wine.
It is also known to prey upon a variety of other marine animals, including fish and seabirds.
It has been observed in numerous species, including mammals, birds, insects and fish.
All foods, including fish, usually state their place of origin on a card that is displayed together with the product.