The new business tax would cost service providers, including legal and medical firms, about 1 percent of their gross receipts, less personnel costs.
Ms. Hopkins said she was weighing job offers from seven large companies, including several consulting firms.
He noted that Whittamore was also hired by others including banks and local firms of solicitors.
As of 2008, the company directly employs 600 people and up to 700 indirectly, including contractors, associated firms and suppliers.
Wastewater is basically sewage, storm water, and water used around the community, including firms.
These changes also affect large employers, including self-insured firms, so that the firm bears the financial responsibility of providing coverage.
Competition between product manufacturers, including foreign firms, must become an important factor regulating and restraining the growth of prices.
Apart from owning the Super 99 supermarket chain, he has interests in several other businesses, including banks and agricultural firms.
We all know that it is these small firms, including family-owned firms, which create and sustain large numbers of jobs.
Many foreign companies, including financial and insurance firms, have been attracted to Barbados because of its lenient tax laws.