There are far more important qualifications, including experience in the law.
"There are various respects in which students can be diverse," he said, including age, gender, race, religious affilation, economic class, military experience and sexual orientation.
Teaching experience, including experience at the K - 12 levels, is considered to be qualifying experience.
A culture's music is influenced by all other aspects of that culture, including social and economic organization and experience, climate, and access to technology.
The statute also requires that many of those who do the certifying provide their qualifications, including their education, training and experience.
He matched the credentials required for the job including previous experience in wrestling and working in television production.
Chiropractic schools require 4 to 5 years of study, including clinical experience.
This was the purpose of the place: branding everything, including experience.
This stage also involves looking up and evaluating previous evidence from other scientists, including experience.
Trans-species psychology considers the entire realm of psyche, including subjective experience.