The costs in 1998 dollars, including expenses since 1983 and 100 years of monitoring, would be $43 billion, the department said.
Last year the cost of settling malpractice claims, including legal expenses, was $4.1 billion, down $100 million from the 1987 level.
I have already cut executive salaries, including my own of course, and all but essential expenses.
The total cost of the church, including the land and other expenses, was £22,720.
The company quotes the cost of a private car and driver at about $210 a day including expenses.
That will mean a total cost of slightly more than $6,000 annually, including incidental expenses.
His total annual compensation for both positions, including expenses and travel, is $261,010.
Simburg took $589,000 for his own use, including salary and expenses.
The total annual budget for the office, including salaries and expenses, is $415,000 as of 2011.
The program costs nearly $18 billion a year, including administrative expenses.