Their features in general may be described as more angular and defined, including long, pointed ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes.
It must have three kinds of meat, including chicken, ham, beef, and pork skin, ears or tail.
Hives can show up anywhere, including lips, tongues, and ears.
Just about every part of the pig was eaten, including ears, snout, tail, tongue, and womb.
Each application should fully cover the child's exposed skin, including ears and feet.
They can appear anywhere on the body, including the face, lips, tongue, throat, or ears.
Apply sunscreen to all the skin that will be exposed to the sun, including the nose, ears, neck, scalp, and lips.
While swimming at the surface, the dorsal portion of the river otter's head, including nostrils, ears, and eyes, is exposed above water.
Rough: Longer hair overall, including face, ears and muzzle.
A married woman covered her hair completely, including forehead, ears and often the neck.