Beside publishing a scientific journal, it offers a variety of benefits to members, including discounts on books and reduced registration fees for meetings.
The bipartisan plan offers candidates a series of incentives, including substantial discounts on broadcast media, in exchange for limits on campaign spending.
Assets at the close of business on December 31, 1949, totaled $1,845,680.82, including loans and discounts of $799,626.92.
There are additional benefits to having a student card, including discounts on admissions, transportation, and accommodations.
Several categories of membership are available, including discounts for students.
Further benefits are offered to AA Members, including discounts on insurance policies.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts.
They hope that the renovations and service improvements will allow them to collect about $200 a room per night, including discounts, up from $180 now.
The package offers special rates to visitors by car, train or bus, including discounts or extras in 22 hotels, restaurants and attractions.
The News's advertising salesmen have been trying to trying to convince such clients to stay on by offering a variety of incentives, including large discounts.