By 1940, more extraordinary antagonists began to appear in the stories, including giants, mad scientists and dinosaurs.
It is depicted as able to kill any animal, including dinosaurs.
Their eggs - around 300 times the size of a hen's egg - are the biggest of any creature including dinosaurs.
This also disables many of the powerups including dinosaurs.
They coexisted with mammals such as dryolestoids and a variety of other animals, including dinosaurs.
All three also contain remains of numerous other animals, including dinosaurs, amphibians, and fish.
He invited Hawkins to stock it with models of extinct American animals, including dinosaurs.
Many prehistoric creatures, including dinosaurs, are prominently featured, especially in the original printing of the adventure.
Cohen has written on numerous other topics, including sports, history, dinosaurs, nature, technology, and folklore.
It contains abundant fossils of vertebrates, including dinosaurs such as the hadrosaurs.