It attained the rating for "strong crude sexual content including dialogue, graphic nudity and pervasive language".
They are taken from a variety of sources including dialogue from film and television.
This animated short was the first film to include a soundtrack, completely created in post production, including sound effects, music, and dialogue.
All character voices were supplied by the actual cast, and the series' writers wrote the entire story for the game, including dialogue.
It has sexual material, including dialogue, partial nudity, language and drug content.
The roundtables, each led by a different playwright, will examine the various facets of writing plays, including structure, characterization, conflict, setting and dialogue.
An edited version received an R rating for "strong sexuality including graphic images, nudity and dialogue".
In late November, it was decided to put aside the statement of requirements to conduct an options analysis, including dialogue with nations purchasing the F-35.
Albania must meet all the Copenhagen criteria, including interactive political dialogue and a functioning Parliament - or nothing.
GameZone reported that the game's sound was well-done, including the music, weapon effects, and dialogue.