The library now has a collection of over 60,000 materials including books, periodicals, databases, microfilm, and other resources.
Typically the storage itself is design to meet requirements of various areas that extensively utilize storage, including databases.
The website contains a wealth of information and resources including on-line databases and publications.
Over the years, the Office has developed practices and procedures to assist in determining the copyrightability of the works it examines, including databases.
Union catalogs have been created in a range of media, including book format, microform, cards and more recently, networked electronic databases.
Most operations are handled through a Yahoo Groups list, including emails, files and databases.
DatabaseSpy can connect to multiple databases simultaneously, including databases of different types.
In addition its news coverage, Media Mouse offers a variety of resources including databases and special subject areas:
A wide range of software is supported, including specialist statistical packages, databases, and software for computer modelling.
To search federal science and technology web sites, including online databases see: