Total annual economic impact was estimated at $100 million, including payrolls, contracts, goods and services.
He noted that the pilots are willing to discuss alternatives to a sale, including new contracts with job security for employees.
Public announcements of awards has several exemptions, including contracts less than $3.5 million.
A single tape could have reached 100,000 listeners according to some estimates; they often led to further success, including recording contracts.
You can use it to search for procurement opportunities with government, including lower-value contracts worth £10,000 and above.
Original research in areas including contracts, legal and sourcing can be commissioned.
The book is about common law in the United states, including torts, property, contracts, and crime.
The total cost of the rehabilitation work, including other contracts still not awarded, was estimated in 1985 to be about $160 million.
Both sides were arguing over various issues, including guaranteed contracts and the use of the franchise player tag.
The total cost, including contracts mentioned above and road work in approaches, was £8000.