By 5:35 P.M., the police had reported issuing 316 criminal summons for charges including public consumption of alcohol.
There are numerous risk factors that can trigger the condition, including high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid and excessive consumption of alcohol.
He is best known for the long poem Sickness (1746), which discusses various illnesses including melancholy, fever, consumption, and variola.
He suffers from severe personal problems, including vast consumption of beer to forget the unfortunate events he has gone through.
Government expenditures, including consumption and transfers, account for the entire score.
A range of studies compare emissions over the entire food cycle, including production, consumption, and transport.
Nintendo of America censored certain dialogue, including references to breastfeeding, consumption of alcohol, and religion.
Monetary policy affects the whole economy, including investment and consumption.
Clinical trials also showed that when following the recommended diet, including consumption of vegetables and fruit, carotenoid levels did not decrease.
The "Drinking Made Easy" live show includes discussions of all things alcohol including production, consumption and intoxication.