These automated analyzers are designed for various users including patients, doctors, private laboratories, clinics and university hospitals.
This acquisition enabled the company to provide its software to the entire healthcare community, including home health care, retail clinics, and long-term care facilities.
He also sensibly suggests more health services for teens, including school-based clinics that, among other things, would dispense condoms and provide birth control counseling.
The new language would expand that protection to all health care providers, including hospitals, doctors, clinics and insurers.
Many of the mansions were confiscated, with some being divided into smaller units, and others turned to public use, including kindergartens and clinics.
The package, including lodging, meals and clinics for all ability levels, costs $595 to $645.
There are hundreds of healthcare institutions in Croatia, including 79 hospitals and clinics with 23,967 beds.
White Bird Clinic provides a broad range of health and human services, including low-cost clinics.
The group runs frequent members-only events, including clinics; masterclasses and networking.
Preventing epidemics will require much more, the agencies say, including mobile clinics.