The two schools hold some joint classes together, including choir and band.
The school also has many extra-cirricular activities including (but not limited to) band, choir, and after school sports.
The school has many electives including Spanish, home economics, choir, orchestra, band, and technology career classes.
Both schools have many extracurricular activities, including athletics, choir, and band.
Several music programs are offered as well, including vocal music, choir, and instrumental music.
Bowen Secondary is best known for its performing arts, including the military band and choir.
Clark High School is home to a number of award-winning performing groups, including the orchestra, band, and choir.
Charlie Simpson stated they wanted to experiment with more of a "rock opera" sound including full strings and choir.
At present a choice of over 30 out-of-school activities are available including choir, netball and football.
Her parents encouraged her to participate in various school activities, including choir, theatre, and sports.