Other preparations for the second space walk continued, including the setting up of equipment, and cameras.
When I rounded the corner however, the division of observation ended and all eyes, including cameras, were brought to bear on me.
About 20 products, including cameras, watches and jewelry, will be offered, with prices ranging from $10 to $70.
It has been used to make many useful things, including eyeglasses, cameras, telescopes, and microscopes.
In addition, some alleged that personal property, including clothing, cameras, and computers, was not returned.
The American craft would also have had more instruments, including cameras.
Philco engineers created much of the station's equipment, including cameras.
They make a variety of products, including digital cameras, mp3 players, cell phones and flash memory.
In addition to computers, the Cambridge researchers have designed the system to work for other devices, including phones and digital cameras.
A wide variety of other electronic equipment, including digital cameras, printers, music players, and games consoles, is also available.