It is involved in various types of cancers, including breast, colon, bladder, skin and lung cancer.
It has been found to be upregulated in Cancers, including prostate, breast, and thyroid.
A meta-analysis at specific cancer sites, including breast, lung, and leukemia, has also been performed.
It has also been used to reduce tumor growth in several cancers including renal, breast, and several other rare cancers.
Dendreon has started vaccination trials for a number of cancers, including ovarian, breast and colon.
They are now exploring the clinical application of the test in a number of different cancers including breast, ovarian and pancreatic.
Rather, cells in other tissues, including the prostate, breast, colon and immune system, are also able to convert vitamin D into the active hormone.
GAB2 has been linked to the oncogenesis of many cancers including colon, gastric, breast, and ovarian cancer.
The ER is expressed in specific tissues including the ovary, uterus and breast.
Studies have linked even moderate consumption of alcohol to increase risk for a variety of cancers including breast, colon, esophageal and stomach cancer.