Fighters can carry many different kinds of weapons, including missiles, machine guns, and bombs.
Luggage at airports and student baggage at some schools are examined for possible weapons, including bombs.
Other weapons, including chemical poisons and radiological "dirty bombs," will terrorize more than kill.
However, they succeeded in raising money and gathering weaponry, including guns and bombs.
He uses some weapons featured in the Zelda series, including bombs, boomerang and a hookshot.
More weapons could be carried, including bombs of various sizes, sizing from 100 kg to the massive 9-ton ones.
The general emphasized the military's resolve to attack the insurgents at every opportunity, using whatever weapons seem appropriate, including 500-pound bombs and other heavy munitions.
Depending on the situation, parachutes are used with a variety of loads, including people, food, equipment, space capsules, and bombs.
Another $215 million would go toward stockpiling weapons, including cruise missiles and satellite-guided bombs, that are expected to be consumed in any strikes.
There is also a multiplayer mode where players can use 15 different weapons including bombs, fire flamer and a magneto.