The Order does not stop at illegal violent actions, including bombings.
Crisis control, including the 1993 bombing, was in her job description, and in a sense it still is.
Ten of the 11 service members who died Tuesday were killed in enemy attacks, including bombings and shootings.
The police believe animal-rights groups have been responsible for many violent attacks in the last 10 to 15 years, including the bombing of shops.
They took part in various raids, including the bombing of Cologne in 1942.
Most of the eight are serving sentences on other charges, including bombings of military and corporate buildings.
Control of the race wire led to a very maniacal public dispute between the interested parties in the summer of 1907, including bombings.
The January to March 1999 phase of the war brought increasing insecurity in urban areas, including bombings and murders.
Prosecutors have accused the group of engaging in a series of crimes, including two bank robberies and several bombings.
The accidental attack comes on the heels of other notable mistakes in the alliance's air campaign, including the bombing of a hospital complex this week.