The book also reveals profiles of major characters including birthdays and favorites.
Survival rates among 4,450 patients over two years were analyzed to look for patterns around seasons and specific holidays, including birthdays, and by geographic region.
Each week, a new theme is introduced (shown on the website), including food, Halloween, animals, construction, fall, opposites, and birthdays.
In his diaries he noted significant family events including birthdays, not by their Gregorian calendar occurrence, but by their Jewish calendar dates.
Like in pre-European times, marae continue to be the location of many ceremonial events, including birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries.
The company creates "profiles" of its customers, including their buying habits, personal preferences, even the names and birthdays of family members.
In Elwood, N.Y., celebrations involving food, including birthdays, holiday festivities and cultural events, have been cut to one a week.
On September 6, 2006, a News feed was announced, which appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friends.
Due to his immense popularity during his lifetime, Holmes was often called upon to produce commemorative poetry for specific occasions, including memorials, anniversaries and birthdays.
There are announcements printed in the paper, including birthdays, marriages and deaths.