It was created by more than 70 experts including film producers, teachers, authors and critics who all made their own top ten.
It has had many famous contributors, including international authors, photographers and artists.
He used not only his own observations arguments, but foreign opinions as well, including French authors.
Might Amazon's latest innovation be good for everyone, including authors?
But, everyone who was anyone followed him there - many as house guests - including politicians, painters, authors, scientists and royalty.
However, since, there have been a number of people of note, including athletes, musicians, authors and more who made Peterborough their home.
Indeed, the presence of all the industry's figures, including authors, was seized on to encourage a book culture beyond the market.
The Association currently has approximately 450 members, including authors, poets, directors and dramatists.
Thousands worked on the project, including several well-known authors.
They carry a wide range of stock, including local authors and their specialism is children's books.