Support may be available in a number of forms, including financial assistance and free or subsidised advice services.
Since 1933, California law has required counties to provide relief to the poor, including health care services and general assistance.
There are likely to be different types of rewards from the Americans including, in some cases, financial assistance.
"Greece must make sure that the most vulnerable people have access to basic necessities, including medical assistance, food and shelter"
Personnel again became a special responsibility, though, including assistance in presidential appointments.
The deal also increased financing for peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, including a new police force and assistance to neighboring countries.
Between 1954 and 1978, Afghanistan received more than $1 billion in Soviet aid, including substantial military assistance.
Services are continued after high school graduation, including job placement and financial assistance through college.
The Community's external actions, including assistance, are further adapted to the diversity of our partner regions and countries.
The interest of the Burmese people is best served with a balanced policy, including substantial assistance.