It will be the center for our coverage of the 2012 campaign, including articles from the magazine and the latest news.
All words including short articles and prepositions start with a capital letter.
It's been on the public record for some time, including articles in The Guardian.
Each issue includes a broad range of subject matter, including "articles on art, science, politics and literature."
The annual number of scientific publications runs up to over 1,500, including 600-700 articles in the central press.
This can be used to access more detailed information, including articles and different photo images.
Several efforts were made by him to prevent the introduction of reforms, including articles in the public press.
His writing was ceaseless, including the book and articles criticizing the Iraq war.
Some were, of course, ephemeral, including books and articles written in the 1930s when he lived by his pen.
He has over 110 publications to date, including books, chapters, and articles.