A number of items would still require licenses, including small arms, ammunition and night vision equipment, administration officials said.
Many are involved in dangerous businesses, including smuggling gold, arms and other contraband, experts say.
In an ideal world, all arms sales would be banned, including so-called small arms.
It usually appears over the lower back or buttocks, sometimes in other areas including the trunk or arms.
The target area for a foil is the torso (the area covered by the jacket), not including the head or arms.
The target area for a sabre is the everything above the waist including the head and arms.
All else is a legal hit, including feet, shins, legs and arms.
As of January 8, 2013, more than 1,300 weapons were secured there, including small arms and grenades.
About 150 feet away, officers found three other bags containing more body parts, including arms and thighs.
Measurements are taken from 14 strategic areas, including waist, hips and upper arms.