Players can also use a number of different support vehicles, including ambulances and ladder trucks, to help complete missions.
Better emergency medical care, including better-equipped ambulances and helicopters, saves the lives of drivers who, in the past, would have died from their injuries.
Ammunition was brought for Brazilian soldiers in addition to 14 power generators and 30 vehicles, including trucks, ambulances and armored vehicles.
The Corps provides a response to all fires and other major emergencies, including on-scene triage and multiple ambulances for transport.
Outside the museum are examples of medical vehicles including ambulances and a fully equipped hospital train ambulance car.
Medical facilities, including ambulances and first aid supplies, will be on hand, as will showers, toilets and drinking water.
The company subsequently converted a number of different van-based vehicles to other uses, including minibuses and ambulances, before collapsing in the mid-1990s.
The healthcare industry has had to invest in special facilities for handling severely obese patients, including special lifting equipment and bariatric ambulances.
The museum has about 100 vehicles including helicopters, tanks, half-tracks, ambulances, and a jeep from every branch of the service.
It was soon surrounded by tanks and armored vehicles, including ambulances for the wounded.