The company boasted 75% percent increases in productivity with a variety of processes including air conditioned plants.
In addition the Sopolite can be used to generate energy for portable applications including power, air conditioning or heat.
Price: $2,890 to $3,290 a person, double, including air from New York.
All federal responsibility for the environment, including air, land, water, wildlife, fisheries and forestry were transferred to the new Department.
The county is served by numerous transportation modes including rail, air, highways and ports.
We began by looking at the environment, including air, water, food, a combination of all those, plus perhaps radiation of some kind.
Other activities, including commercial air, guided river excursions, hunting and property taxes added still more to the general regional economy.
An equipment item usually is associated with an element, including fire, water, earth, air, light and darkness.
A manned space capsule must have everything necessary for everyday life, including air, water and food.
Samples can be almost any fluid including water, air or sometimes even solvents.