Including our department and other agencies, we support about a thousand users.
It is a worldwide membership network with over 120 member organisations including universities, corporations and national agencies.
We have a close relationship with many international partners, including overseas Governments, agencies and businesses.
There are more than 50,000 issuers of municipal bonds, including states, cities and other public agencies.
Individual records are not shared with anyone, including federal agencies and law enforcement entities.
It sells for $1 at 60 distributors citywide, including stores and nonprofit agencies.
All the stakeholders in the river, including several federal, state, county and local agencies, hope to conclude such a plan by the end of the year.
Clients including government, operators, financiers, regulators, developers, international agencies and other interest groups in over 50 countries.
The site is controlled by several different owners, including private partnerships, corporations and public agencies.
Further topics are discussed, including bills, agencies, subdivisions, and emergencies.