Barka immediately sacked all of Nyako's appointees including commissioners, committee chairmen, area administrators, special advisers and assistants.
A separate industry, including bankers, fund managers and financial advisers, exists to try to achieve the ideal blend of hedge funds.
Others, including advisers to Mr. Yeltsin, expressed similar sentiments.
All three countries provided vital support for Mr. Kabila's rebellion, including military advisers.
The funds will be sold only through 401(k) plans and third parties, including financial advisers, banks and brokerage firms.
So far, criminal charges have been filed against some 30 people, including former executives and advisers who have been charged with aiding Enron in its deceit.
But many economists, including advisers to President Reagan, say raising the Federal minimum wage may do more harm than good.
It provides information and advice to those involved in education, including policy makers, teachers, parents, advisers, and researchers.
The list included the names of some 350 people or organizations, including military officers, politicians, government officials and close advisers to Ms. Bhutto.
Many analysts, including some close friends and advisers of Mr. Gingrich, consider that unlikely.