Founded in 1982, the church now has about 200 members, including accountants, clerks and a tennis pro as well as professional performers.
His lawyers have said he needs $70 million to pay for his legal defense, including forensic accountants, taxes and other business and living costs.
Associate members are professional firms including accountants, lawyers and consultants who advise in the sector; a full list of these is also available below.
The Comptroller has suggested broadening the sales tax to almost all services, including lawyers, architects, accountants and advertising.
The union represents 121,000 city workers, including secretaries, librarians, accountants and zookeepers.
But there are also many specialised roles including lawyers and accountants and designers.
The Commission employs a variety of experienced staff including lawyers, accountants, police, investigators and analysts.
Professionals, including accountants and lawyers, will be on hand to discuss the services they provide.
Used by professionals who bill their customers by the hour, including lawyers and accountants.
They may also get involved in negotiations with outside advisers, including accountants and lawyers.