Financial stocks, which are vulnerable to interest rate fluctuations, were among the losers, including Merrill Lynch.
Most other big firms, including Merrill Lynch, follow a calendar year and set their bonuses in January.
Several big financial companies, including Travelers and Merrill Lynch, have expressed interest in owning commercial banks.
First Capital did its trading through several firms, including Merrill Lynch.
Many member firms with significant operations on the floor, including Merrill Lynch, expressed anger at how the deal was executed.
Firms including Merrill Lynch are using the new tax law as a springboard for a fresh round of advertising and calling.
Still others, including Merrill Lynch, neither buy nor sell orders, but could internalize trades.
Other brokerage stocks fell yesterday, including Merrill Lynch, down 3/8, to 41 7/8.
Since the ruling, many public bodies, charities and companies, including Merrill Lynch, are beginning the discussion that has taken place in Hartford.
More than 40 fund managers, including Merrill Lynch and Vanguard, are named in the complaints.