Those that can, including Citigroup and J. P. Morgan Chase, appear to have largely avoided the governor's race.
But they hinge on delicate negotiations with its senior lenders, a group of about two dozen banks including Citigroup and J. P. Morgan Chase.
Four customers have signed licensing agreements already, including J. P. Morgan Chase.
Officials from other large financial firms, including Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and J. P. Morgan Chase, also said they planned to cooperate with the committee's request.
The banks, including J. P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup, are defendants because shareholders' lawyers say they contributed to Enron's downfall.
Banks, including J. P. Morgan Chase and Bank of America, have been sellers.
Several banks have agreed, at least in principal, to provide financing for the acquisition, including J. P. Morgan Chase, one person involved in the discussions said.
Other financial services companies, including the Dow components Citigroup, J. P. Morgan Chase and American Express, also declined.
Shares of other financial companies fell yesterday, including J. P. Morgan Chase, American Express and Goldman Sachs.
But yesterday, these companies were joined by many others that had been holding up better, including Pfizer and J. P. Morgan Chase.