This included a post office, Catholic church, several warehouses, general stores and saloons.
The "industrial" portion of the base, which will be retained by the Army, includes several very large warehouses.
The camp buildings included barracks, stables and warehouses constructed on standard designs.
These might include "camps, plants, industries, warehouses and institutions related to fields covered by 687," he said.
About 25,400 of those were on Class 4 properties, which include offices, factories, warehouses and some vacant land.
The expansion might include new cargo services or warehouses, but would not involve lengthening runways, he said.
It included medical services, warehouses, ammunition dumps, landing strips, and a small arms firing range.
His designs included warehouses, department stores, industrial buildings, synagogues, and offices.
Major employers in the community include healthcare, warehouses, and agriculture.
They include barracks, an officers' club, a gymnasium, a post theater and warehouses.