Enrollment for fall 2008 consists of 28,457 students; which includes undergraduates, graduate students, and professional programs.
The staff also includes postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduates and research support personnel.
The policy will be extended to include undergraduates next spring.
This can include postgraduates and undergraduates who are older than usual.
Although the group was formerly open to all students only after their first year, in 2003 the Glee Club began to include undergraduates of all four years.
It seems now to be less concerned with the publication of primary research results, and more involved with papers which reflect the interests of the membership, which includes undergraduates, teachers, and lay members.
The Club is now co-ed (since the merging of Harvard and Radcliffe College) and includes both undergraduates and graduates.
The School of Drama presents a full subscription season of seven to nine productions every academic year, which primarily feature MFA students from all disciplines, and also includes undergraduates.
At the main panel discussion on Friday morning, held at Columbia's School of International Affairs, the crowd included undergraduates, professors, retired unionists and dozens of middle-level union officials.
Local leaders disagreed on whether the new school should be a technical research institute or a more broadly based school that included undergraduates as well.