His sweeping reorganizations of the company included trimming the board of directors from 38 members dominated by company management to 10 with a substantial presence of outsiders.
Bristol-Myers's partnership with Merck for Pargluva was another part of Mr. Dolan's streamlined business strategy, which included trimming his company's sales force.
Other experts were critical of the report's evaluation of FirstEnergy, which was cited for shortcomings that included improperly trimming trees under its power lines.
The challenges include trimming the state's bloated vacancy rate.
His plans include trimming payments made to all families based on the number of children they have, regardless of their wealth.
Other alternatives include trimming and Winsorising, as in the trimmed mean and the Winsorized mean.
Layoffs, Other Cuts The deep cuts Mr. Lima has planned for the work force include trimming administrative ranks.
Approaches to solving this problem included trimming and temperature compensating the MEMS resonators in ways analogous to those used for quartz crystal.
They are the dimensions to which pieces are cut at the sawmill and do not include shrinking and trimming, which occurs after sawing but before the lumber is ready for sale.
The write-downs are part of a sizable revamping the company detailed yesterday that includes trimming 3,300 jobs from its work force of 81,000.