They also sometimes include tongue in cheek good luck wishes.
This included turkey, lobster, chicken, and tongue.
Other popular sites include the mouth and tongue, nose, eyebrow, navel, and genital area.
In 2009, he performed the world's first face transplant - which included the jaw and tongue - on a 43 year-old man.
Starters include tongue in vinegar sauce; stuffed rolled beef with Russian salad; and pickled eggplant.
The parts of the vocal tract involved with speech include the lips, tongue, teeth, throat, vocal folds, and lungs.
But I don't want to spend my life on an antidepressant, and its other possible side effects include nightmares, heart palpitations and black tongue.
Other facial features include smaller ears, a flat back of the head and protruding tongue.
Overconsumption symptoms include white watery phlegm, nausea, coughing, and swollen tongue.
Blood Bowl includes numerous tongue in cheek references to real life products and companies.