The clerical mistake has given rise to several legal challenges to the law, generally from those who disagree with the policies included therein.
Sitting opposite me in a meeting room he was the first person to Bluetooth me his business card with his new phone number included therein.
Very similar to these, and sometimes included therein, are the four or so species of hierofalcons (literally, "hawk-falcons").
It was ordered that the mortgagee's costs 'including therein any charges and expenses properly incurred by them as taxed by the taxing master.
The genus Schoenoplectus is closely related to Scirpus and sometimes included therein.
In addition, the following families were not included in the "Corvida" although their closest relationships are with taxa included therein:
The medieval stone carvings therein include the epitaphs of the Knights of the von Fuchs family.
There are lists of previously accepted names, and names not included therein must be subject to consultation of the national director of registries.
Most works from this period were theological, and were transcriptions of the bible, so the architectural theories were the notes on structures included therein.
Inexplicably, the list did not differentiate among the ranks of the families included therein (although they were apparently listed in descending order of rank).