The 164,000 workers involved include operators, repair personnel, technicians and other employees.
They were accompanied by a support staff which included technicians, carpenters and mechanics.
It includes directors, actors, artists, producers and technicians and was published in 2002.
The union workers include technicians, customer service specialists and clerical workers.
"There's lots to worry about, including poorly trained technicians and dirty or illegal instruments."
She's assembled a group that includes fine technicians as well as some who are less formally trained.
They often are part of interdisciplinary teams that may include economists, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, technicians, and others.
Mentors include business executives, government officials, owners of small businesses, educators, lawyers, doctors, technicians, professional athletes and key community leaders.
The union includes technicians and nurses, orderlies, clerks and other hospital workers.
Sathyan Anthikad often includes certain actors and technicians more than once in his films.