Therefore, historically, the use of the term "Persian" has included all the various regional dialects and subgroups of Iran.
They fall into two main groups opposed to Yasir Arafat's interim peace accords with Israel, each of which includes distinct subgroups.
They are related to the Bostrichoidea, which includes the death watch beetles, skin beetles, powder-post beetles and other subgroups.
The South Asians of Hong Kong include various subgroups owing to their diverse geographic, linguistic, and religious origins.
In assessing schools, California and Texas include subgroups of 50 or more students only if they account for 15 percent of the school's enrollment.
But that is not rigorous evidence, since any set of data will include small subgroups that benefit and others that are harmed.
The movement has been criticized for its alleged failure to incorporate diversity and include certain subgroups within the autistic community.
Those generally termed Kanuri include several subgroups and dialect groups, some of whom feel themselves distinct from the Kanuri.
Kanuri peoples include several subgroups, and identify by different names in some regions.
The US soil taxonomic hierarchy includes orders, suborders, great groups, subgroups, families and series, with each series representing a unique kind of soil.