By Winter 602, his strategic goals included securing control of Pannonia and the area which would later be known as Wallachia.
This includes securing permanent financing for the project and planning for future building operations and management.
This includes securing a plot of land from his father-in-law, who is spending a lot of time in the men's room.
Follow-on activities could include securing Russian agreement to provide incident-response training at nuclear sites.
This includes securing access to alternate water sources, as well as the evaluation of potential long-term solutions such as water treatment systems and infrastructure.
Her work on their behalf included securing suitable translations, sound productions with leading actors, and full royalties.
This task included securing the crucial supply route between Karlovac and Senj.
Last-minute efforts to raise enough capital included securing a $10 million loan from the Ohio state legislature, but all measures failed.
Such strategies include securing media coverage through legislative means or by tapping into new media outlets.