These two motions combined cause an excitation of an electron in a helical motion, which includes translation and rotation and their associated operators.
Articulation of the neck includes: flexion, extension, (nodding yes), and rotation (shaking head no).
The transformations include translation, rotation (around any of the three axes), and scaling.
It includes rotation within a thunderstorm.
These compensations include internal rotation of the tibia, knee and hip joints.
Other symptoms include persistent diarrhea, frequent digestive disorders, and laminitis-like, treatment-resistant rotation of the coffin bones in the hooves.
Examples of symmetries include rotation about an axis.
Image cleanup features include rotation, straightening, color adjustment, transposition, zoom, aligning, page separation, annotations and despeckling.
In 1744 Jean le Rond d'Alembert studied tidal equations for the atmosphere which did not include rotation.
They include a prohibition on management advisory services, and rotation of auditors.