Other methods include tell-show-do, positive reinforcement, distraction, nonverbal communication or even general anesthesia and conscious sedation.
These included reinforcement and enlargement of the vertical tail to improve lateral stability; air brakes were added on the wings and the fuel system was improved.
Behavioral strategies used by dentists include positive reinforcement (e.g. praising the patient), the use of non-threatening language, and tell-show-do techniques.
This included upgrades to weapons and systems, reinforcement of the hull, and improvements to seakeeping and habitability.
This includes encouragement, immediate feedback, positive reinforcement, and instructional scaffolding (i.e. clear structure, small steps, guiding with questions).
The process usually includes reinforcement of the book signatures and then a recovering process begins.
Typical professional audio applications include audio recording, sound reinforcement, and broadcasting.
The works include concrete reinforcement of rocks, substratum (weathered shale and marl) replacement, and surface protection elements on the hill.
Functional interventions include extinction, differential reinforcement and antecedent manipulations.
The Czech Presidency's priorities include energy security and reinforcement of the Eastern Partnership.