Faunal finds include horse, reindeer, mammoth, cave lion, rhinoceros, bear and aurochs.
Other food probably included mammoth, the woolly rhinoceros and reindeer.
Additional animals that frequently appear in Swedish heraldry include griffins and (especially in the northern provinces) reindeer.
Meats include reindeer and canned bear pate.
Wild mammals include the Arctic Fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer.
Attractions include live reindeer, animal park, corn maze, hayrides, etc.
The remaining large animals include giraffes, tigers, lions, reindeer, wallabies, and 2 snow leopards.
Animals present included sheep, roe deer, red deer, reindeer, pig, and horse.
At the main cabin, after a delicious lunch of cold meats that included dried reindeer, I bought a face net for protection from the bugs.
Other remains include fox, reindeer, ice-age horse, wolf, bear, wolverine, and hare.