The incentives for a negawatt market include receiving money, reduction of national energy dependency, and the local electricity deregulation within certain nations or states.
The definition of terrorism was further expanded to include receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization and narcoterrorism.
Allegations also include receiving illegal funding from abroad and collaboration with the security services of a foreign country.
These may include sending and receiving instructions via separate data networks,at high frequency over the top of the low voltage supply or wireless.
This includes receiving offerings from the deceased family ten days after the death.
Typical uses for these systems include receiving free-to-air and subscription services.
The spousal benefits under this plan do not include receiving your pension if you die first.
Buildings have secondary effects, which include receiving discounts for purchases, improved actions, or additional villagers to work the Production Area.
Exhibitors must be members of the society and pay £1 for the privilege, which includes receiving a copy of the show register.