It belonged to a fruity array that included red currants and raspberry.
Other plants that wineberries may be mistaken for include the red raspberry, black raspberry, and blackberry, all of which are also edible.
Homemade sorbets, smooth, creamy and tart, include mango, lemon and raspberry.
Common flavours include passionfruit, chocolate, raspberry, lemon, caramel and vanilla.
The larva feeds on a variety of plants: recorded food plants include raspberry, Vaccinium and willow.
Desserts include raspberry and white chocolate cake, and warm bread pudding with berries.
Lipstick in the 1970s tended to be either color or gloss; popular hues included deep pink, purple, and raspberry.
The fragrant notes of these wines often include green olives, raspberry, violets, and meaty bacon.
For summer, cold fruit-and-yogurt soups include blueberry, strawberry, raspberry and peach.
The most popular flavors include lemon, raspberry, and cherry-banana.